Meet me in the forest


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This book includes my best newsletters issued to this day, including many pictures and many unpublished illustrations.

Everything is presented in the appealing form of a traveling journal.

Pure energy

That I come back from the front lines or from the depth of the forest, it is never empty handed!

My heart and my head are filled with amazing stories lived with God’s complicity…

It is positive energy in its purest state, encouragement that helps to live and that is so big, it is impossible for me to keep it for myself!!

By you, for you

I feel accountable to each one of you that are accompanying me with your payers (for some since the beginning)…

Without this support I would not have had the strength to cross so many hostile lands, still unconquered for the gospel.

Today, many say they wait with impatience for my next newsletter (for some like it was a TV show!) because it greatly revives them in their own life (wich is not always easy).
The famous  »you should make a book out of it » came often…

well, it is now done!

On the menu:

A double dose of tenderness and poetry served in a cocktail of well told, authentic stories. About faith in life, in God and with enough hope to unearth a dead (died laughing).

All good vitamines to be taken regularly, better in small doses, so that your soul may digest everything properly.

In short, have fun… and enjoy your meal!

Informations complémentaires

Poids 0.490 kg
Dimensions 2 × 13.6 × 21 cm
Nombre de pages



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Meet me in the forest

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